Greetings Fellow Dreamers,
It is with sadness and pride that we share that we are formally dissolving the Youth Dreamers, Inc. As many of you know, in February of 2020, we sold The Dream House to KEYS Empowerment https://keysempowers.org/, an organization that will carry on our dream by providing a sustainable safe haven and programs for young people. We spent many months and met many potential buyers before we finally decided that KEYS was the most closely connected to our mission and would be the best fit for our community.
At the close of 2021, we donated the money from the sale of our beloved Dream House to several non profit organizations in Baltimore City that are special to each of us and who do important work that aligns with our mission. We are excited to be able to give back to the community that gave us so much.
Please know that we are still connected through love and our shared history and are also always available to share our story with young people to inspire their own work in communities. Reach out if you are interested! We can still be reached at 410-952-7003 or youthdreamer@hotmail.com.
And….We still have books to sell! I Am Not a Test Score: Lessons Learned from Dreaming is a beautiful coffee table book filled with lessons, photographs, student work, and more. This book is a wonderful toolkit for anyone who works with young people--it both teaches and inspires! For now, you can purchase it from our store. STAY TUNED! We will soon be selling it on Amazon!
The website will stay up though you might see a few changes as we work to update it as a record of our journey.
THANK YOU for the incredible love and support you have shared with us through the years.
With love and gratitude, your YD Board of Directors,
Cierra Cary, YD since 2001
Ms. K, YD since 2001 Jessica White, YD since 2006
Keyani Kenny, YD since 2006
Iman Cuffie, YD since 2009
Deja Joseph, YD since 2007
Kyi Alford, YD since 2009
Ms. Liz, YD since 2001
Ms. B, YD since 2011 AND sons Nathan (2002) and Marty (2003)